Game 6 - Final Game

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Soccer clinic tonight and Thursday

Just an FYI for anyone who is interested. There will be a free clinic at the Arsenal park tonight and Thursday from 5:30pm - 7:15pm

Kyle P McArdle

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Fire Remains Undefeated

I hope everyone enjoyed the season. The boys played great and greatly improved from beginning to end. We had a very good game Tuesday, closing out the season with a 6-0 record. Great job all around!
I want to especially compliment Vinson and Kolbe regarding the improvement that was made. By the end of the season, these two boys who were a little unsure about playing, running hard and even sweating at the beginning of the season, were focused and determined to play as well as anyone else by the end.
But all of them, Patrick B., Clark, Patrick Michael, Augustine, Thomas, Keegan, Josh, Eli, and Sean all played great and improved much throughout the season. Coach Jeff and I were both very proud to be your coaches this year. Thanks for the great season, and don't let that ball collect dust over the Summer. Make sure to get outside and practice juggling, dribbling and shooting at something so we can have another great season in the Fall.

For all who will be at the Bi-Annual Augusta Fire, End of Season Cookout, we'll see you on Saturday. For those who will not be able to make it, we'll see you next season.

And last but not least, the video is up, and once again Gemma did a great job with the video directing this week. Thank you to both Gemma and Nora for the recording of the games throughout the entire season, you two did a great job and we certainly wouldn't have had these games available for the family and friends to view without you.

Have a great Summer,

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Win # 5 with 1 to Go!

Great win today guys! The first half especially, may have been the best I've seen them play all season. Everyone contributed, 4 different players scoring (Clark, Patrick, Kegan and Kolbe) and just a great game all around. The video is uploaded to the blog,  hope you all enjoy. And remember, we still have one more practice and one more game to finish out the season. Let's make sure we finish strong.

Have a great rest of the weekend,

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Game 4's Another W and Going Strong

Good game last night boys! We did play a team that was much younger then us, which certainly played a part in the blow out that was last night. We were however able to work on stringing some passes together, moving the ball around and playing a few different positions.  We've got two more practices (Thursday and Monday) and two more games (Saturday and Tuesday) left of the season. Let's keep up the good work and keep moving forward.

Enjoy the video that is now uploaded, a little shaky this go round, but thanks to all those who contributed to the filming.

See you all tomorrow,